Ground Status

last update 012:33 28/12/24





Feedback and Complaints

Please use the form below to send official complaints to our certified Member Protection Information Officer at Camden Falcons Football Club.  All complaints lodged will be handled confidentially.  Excluding the parties involved, no information will be shared without your consent.


For further information please refer to Football Australia complaints

  • All emergencies requiring, Police, Ambulance, Fire call Triple Zero (000).
  • If your concern is related to a Child Protection issue, please call NSW Government Community and Justices Child Protection Helpline on 132 111.
  • Non-urgent Police assistance and general police enquiries call 131 444.


Before lodging an official complaint involving a person or group, we ask that, if possible, you first address your concerns directly with the person or group involved (where this is reasonable, safe, and appropriate). If after doing so, you feel your complaint has not been adequately addressed, please complete the form below and include as much information as possible. All complaints must be received in writing.

Note: We encourage you to refer to club policy documents prior to lodging your complaint as they may be able to clarify your concerns.

Thank you for taking the time to complete our complaints form and will contact you within 7 days of receiving.

Max. file size: 128 MB.