Ground Status

last update 012:33 28/12/24







Camden RSL Soccer Club was formed in 1984. The club’s home ground at the time was Onslow Park until 1991 with the move to Belgenny Reserve. In May 1998 the club was incorporated and name changed to Camden Falcons Soccer Club.

Over the years we have had a number of teams as Campbelltown Premiers and Ron Dine Cup winners. It is club policy currently to provide competition winners with club jackets in recognition of their achievement. These are black and red with the Falcon logo embroided on them. The rest of the club players are given recognition for their efforts by being presented with awards as decided by the club committee and dependant of finances. This all happens on presentation day held a few weeks after the end of the season. Throughout the season there are money raising activities run, with most monies being put back to the players with equipment etc. and some monies used for general running of the club. The club draws on parents from within the club to coach or manage teams. We have coaching co-ordinators and experienced coaches available within the club to assist any new coaches and a devoted voluntary group, the committee, who work hard not just on weekends but during the week to ensure the successful running of this club.